Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's time to ADVERTISE

The ad that I will analyze is the one for the new my touch 4G cell phone by t-mobile. In this ad t-mobile uses the premises that apple uses to compare a PC to a Mac with the two people on the screen describing how they are better than each other. In the end obviously since it is a mac comercial it turns out to be the better product. In this new my touch 4G ad we see a woman that represents the my touch 4g and a man carrying what he says is the at&t service on his back which makes at&t feel like a burdon. In the ad they discuss one of the biggest flaws that the iPhone 4 has which is only being able to use facetime where there is wifi the man that represents at&t service mentions an airport as one of the places where people can use face time.

To me the fact that t-mobile points out one of the biggest flaws that the iPhone 4 has and how it's service has surpassed such a flaw is a very good way to make a person that really wants to use face time switch over to the t-mobile network. 
The ad appeal that this ad uses is that of achievement, the way that it is used in this ad is by pointing out how t-mobile has achieved to make face time a service that can be used anywhere and how at&t has only managed to make face time available where there is wifi. What this advertisement appeal manages to do is make the at&t costumer or any person that is really interested in using face time be aware that t-mobile has achieved to offer this service in a much better way than its network rival at&t.  At the end it also mentions how it runs on a 4G and not 3G network like that of at&t. Achievement I feel is used very well in this ad because it is short and effective it and it also uses something that people are familiar with which is that of the apple commercial to make people turn and see what the new apple commercial is and instead it is a t-mobile commercial, which in the end not only catches the the eye of the average consumer but also the eye of the apple consumer which is in turn the person that t-mobile has managed not to appeal to yet since they still use an iPhone. 

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