Sunday, September 12, 2010


Framing is the one reason that people fear to be who they really are for when they act in accordance to something that is not associated with how society views them most of the time they are shunned upon.  In order to be accepted many time we have to be chameleons in order for people to like us, and some of the time they are mostly those people that live in the frame of what in society is viewed is correct. Framing also makes people view other races cultures or sexes in a certain way for example many of the times when it comes to locking the doors some might say "Lock the door because a black man might get in" when a child or someone who is not really aware of thing hears this they will from then on also think that the only kind of person that breaks into peoples houses is a black man. Framing in my opinion is just another word for prejudice and should really have nothing to do with the way you view another person for in the end they might not fit the frame set upon them by society.

In this picture u see an asian about to stab a Mexican, in many ways this is a step out of Framing. Not only is the person with the knife an asian but she is also a woman which in many cases is the victim and not the attacker. In this case when i posted this on a social network one of the comments was " What an Asian stabbing a Mexican" which in fact made me see how the framing of me being a mexican male is of being the person who attacks the defenseless asian girl. Woman in the media always turn out to be the victim the damsel in distress not many shows portray them as the killers or murderers. One show who is all about breaking that image the Mexican show "Mujeres Asesinas" killer woman. In the promos the Actresses state their name and say I am a murderer which at first hearing sound very strong coming from a a woman's voice. Mujeres Asesinas now in it's third season portrays the many ways women step out of the role of victim and become as many people call them monsters. Once more framing comes into play women aren't suppose to kill they are suppose to be a mother, daughter, wife but never a killer I believe this show steps out of the frame that woman have and makes people see that not all women like to be the victim.

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